2012 Asian Biblical Theological Study Program

Making Disciples of All Nations:

Re-reading Matthew for the Mission of the Church

Rev. Dr. John Yieh, Professor of New Testament, Virginia Theological Seminary


    1. A New Gospel: Why did Matthew write it and how do we interpret it?

    2. The Teachings of Jesus: What did Jesus teach and how do we obey them?

    3. The Opponents of Jesus: What was wrong with the leaders and how do we serve?

    4. The Followers of Jesus: Why did people believe in Jesus and how do we follow him?

    5. The Church of Jesus: What did Jesus expect of the church and how can we make it?


美國長老教會  亞裔聖經神學研究班


講員:葉約翰牧師   維吉尼亞神學院新約學教授


                        1. 一本新的福音書:馬太為何要編寫它?我們當如何研讀?

                        2. 耶穌的教導:耶穌給門徒哪些教導?我們該如何實踐?

                        3. 耶穌的對手:有些領袖為何反對耶穌?我們應如何服事?

                        4. 耶穌的信眾:有些人為何信從耶穌?我們該如何跟隨主?

                                    5.  耶穌的教會:耶穌對教會有何期待?我們當如何實現它?





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